šifra: 218440
Prym Ergonomics kukice za heklanje_3,50-6,00mm
5 kukica za heklanje vune u raznim mjerama u kompletu
U pakiranju dolazi 5 komada kukica u veličinama:
3,50 – 4,00 – 4,50 – 5,00 i 6,00 mm
– Šavovi lako klize preko osovine i poboljšane kuke
– Ergonomska ručka za heklanje bez napora
– Ručka u boji za identifikaciju veličine kuke
Priuštite užitak modernim poklonom!
Poklon set prym.ergonomics heklanih kukica za vunu posuđuje sama na to, jer sadrži 5 visokokvalitetnih heklanih udica za vunu u dimenzijama 3,5 mm, 4,0 mm, 4,5 mm, 5,0 mm i 6,0 mm.
Heklanje su izrađene od posebnog, laganog sintetičkog materijala osiguravajući da možete raditi bez napora bez opterećenja zapešća i ugodno su topli na dodir.
Dok duga, glatka osovina i poboljšana kuka puštaju šavove lako klize, ergonomski oblik ručke, izrađen od neklizanja sintetički materijal visokih performansi jamči heklanje bez napora.
Ručke su označene bojama pomoću mjerača kuke, tako da možete brzo pronađite potrebnu udicu.
Dizajn pakiranja usklađen u bojama učinit će ovaj set omiljenim sa svim ljubiteljima heklanja.
Crochet hook for wool set, prym.ergonomics 3.5-6.0 mm
Dimensions Ø 3.5 mm; Ø 4 mm; Ø 4.5 mm; Ø 5 mm; Ø 6 mm
- 5 crochet hooks for wool in a variety of gauges in a set
- The stitches glide easily over the shaft and the improved hook
- Ergonomic handle for effortless crocheting
- Coloured handle to identify hook size
Give pleasure with a stylish present!
The gift set of prym.ergonomics crochet hooks for wool lends itself to this, because it contains 5 high-quality crochet hooks for wool in gauges 3.5 mm, 4.0 mm, 4.5 mm, 5.0 mm and 6.0 mm.
The crochet hooks are made of special, light synthetic material ensuring that you can work effortlessly without strain on the wrists and they are comfortably warm to the touch.
While the long, smooth shaft and the improved hook let the stitches glide easily, the ergonomic shape of the handle, made from non-slip high-performance synthetic material, guarantees effortless crochet.
The handles are colour-coded by hook gauge, so that you can quickly find the hook you need.
The colour-coordinated design of the pack will make this set a favourite with all crochet fans.