šifra: 403162
ZAKOVICE-nitne Prym MultiPac za debljinu materijala od 6-9mm
promjer: 9mm_količina: 100 komada_visina 6-9mm
Prymove zakovice dostupne su u raznim veličinama, što ih čini prikladnima za različite debljine materijala. Razlike su u promjeru glave kao i u duljini unutarnjeg zatiča. Što je viša igla, to može biti deblji materijal za zakivanje, poput kože. U paketu ćete pronaći pravi alat pored cjevastih zakovica – tako da vam je potreban samo čekić za rad s cjevastim zakovicama. Cjevaste zakovice izrađene su od nehrđajućeg mesinga srebrne boje i daju vizualno čiste rezultate za svaku primjenu. Dostupno u praktičnom multi-paketu!
Hollow rivets, 6-9mm, silver-coloured, 100 items
- Hollow rivets for riveting of thicker materials such as leather.
- Including tool
- Stainless, silver coloured brass
Prym’s rivets are available in various sizes, making them suitable for different material thicknesses.
The differences are in the diameter of the head as well as in the length of the inner pin. The higher the pin, the thicker the material to be riveted may be, such as leather.
In the package you will find the right tools next to the tubular rivets – so all you need is a hammer to work with the tubular rivets.
The tubular rivets are made of stainless, silver-coloured brass and produce visually clean results for every application. Available in a practical multi-pack!