šifra: 611445
Škare za vez 9cm “Stork” Gold Edition
Klasične škare za vezenje s finim točkama i precizne oštrice.
Precizno rezanje niti ili utora u tkanini
– Pozlaćene škare “roda” za sofisticirane ručne radove
– Fini vrhovi i pedantan rez oštricom
– Precizno rezanje niti ili utora u tkanini
Apsolutni klasik, posebno su popularne škare roda za njihov očaravajući dizajn.
Pripadaju obitelji škara za vezenje i konac.
Njihove oštre oštrice izgledaju kao kljun rode, područje vijka tvori oko, a oštrice imitiraju fini reljef perja.
Pozlaćene škare za vez iz Pryma su uglavnom pogodno za sofisticirane ručne radove, jer imaju vrlo tanak vrh i pedantan rez oštricom,
što omogućuje rezanje s milimetarskom preciznošću.
Škare za vez Stork ne samo da režu niti ili prorezi u tkanini s preciznošću; njihov neobičan dizajn čini ih pravim privlačnim za oko.
Embroidery scissors 9cm “Stork” Gold Edition
Classic embroidery scissors with fine points and precision blades.
Precision cutting of threads or slots in fabric
- Gold-plated stork scissors for sophisticated hand-crafts
- Fine points and meticulous blade cut
- Precision cutting of threads or slots in fabric
An absolute classic, stork scissors are popular particularly for their enchanting design.
They belong to the embroidery and thread scissor family.
Their sharp blades look like a stork’s beak, the screw area forms the eye and the blades imitate the fine relief of the feathers.
The gold-plated embroidery scissors from Prym are principally suitable for sophisticated hand-crafts, because they have a very fine point and meticulous blade cut, which makes it possible to cut with millimetre precision.
The Stork embroidery scissors not only cut threads or slots in fabric with precision; their unusual design makes them a real eye-catcher.