šifra: 673130
Tripod tool-Tronožac za postavljanje drukera koji su daleko od ruba tkanine
– jednostavna obrada Prym drukera – također daleko od ruba tkanine
– za sve drukere i očice(osim očica promjera 11 i 14mm i ‘Color Snaps’ drukera)
– precizno pozicioniranje nešivenih proizvoda
– dobio je nagradu Red Dot Design Award 2015
*NAPOMENA : u isporuci nema alata !!!
Prym stativ je praktičan dodatak za obradu neušivenih gumba i ušica mjesta koja su daleko od ruba tkanine.
Sa svoje tri noge stabilne u postolju, tronožac se može koristiti za pričvršćivanje zakovica, ušica, dugmadi za traperice i pritisnih zatvarača točno na bilo kojoj točki na tkanini.
Ploča stativa se gura kroz materijal – gornji dio dolazi do stativa.
Alati iz odgovarajućeg pakiranja moraju se ugurati u ploču i gornji dio.
Učvršćivač je zakovan čekićem, idealno izrađen od gume.
Zbog svog ergonomskog dizajna, ovaj korisni alat za zakivanje dobio je čak i dobro poznat Red Dot Design Award Stativ se može koristiti za sve gumbe i ušice koje se ne šivaju, s izuzetkom plastičnih drukera Prym ‘Color Snaps’ i ušica/očica promjera od 11 i 14 mm !
Prym Tripod Tool For Non Sew Fasteners
- Easy processing of Prym non-sew fasteners – also far away from the fabric edge
- For all Prym non-sew fasteners such as eyelets, press fasteners except ‘Color Snaps’
- Precise positioning of non-sew products
- Received the Red Dot Design Award 2015
The Prym tripod is a practical accessory to process non-sew buttons and eyelets in places that are far away from the fabric edge. With its three legs stable in the stand, the tripod can be used to attach rivets, eyelets, jeans buttons and press fasteners precisely at any point on the fabric.
The plate of the tripod is pushed ander the material – the top comes up into the tripod.
The tools from the respective pack have to be pushed up into the plate and the upper part.
The press fastener is riveted with a hammer, ideally made out of rubber.
Due to its ergonomic design, this useful riveting tool has even received the well known Red Dot Design Award The tripod can be used for all non-sew buttons and eyelets, with the exception of ‘Color Snaps’ and 11 and 14 mm eyelets