šifra: 624191
Tassel-Maker Prym Love
– alat za izradu resica u 3 različite veličine: 10cm, 7,5cm i 5cm
– da bi izrada resica bila laka
– jedan alat za 3 različite veličine resica: 10cm, 7,5cm i 5cm
– uključuje detaljne upute korak po korak
Uz Tassel Maker lako je izraditi vlastite atraktivne rese u 3 različite veličine.
Oni svakom stilu daju nešto određeno.
Rese su zaista svestrane kao komadi nakita ili dekoracija.
Kao slatke naušnice, lančići, pletenice ili ukrasi na jastučićima dodaju onu individualnu notu
vašim omiljenim stvarima.
S Prym Love dizajn Tassel Maker imate izbor između tri različite veličine i tako postoji
nešto za svaki ukus.
Popratne upute objašnjavaju pojedinačne korake jedan po jedan, tako da ništa ne može poći po zlu.
Tassel-Maker Prym Love
- To make tassel making easy
- 1 tool for 3 different sizes: 10 cm, 7.5 cm und 5 cm
- Includes detailed step-by-step instructions
With the Tassel Maker it is easy to make your own attractive tassels in 3 different sizes.
They give every style that certain something.
Tassels are really versatile as pieces of jewellery or deco accessories.
As cute earrings, chains, braids or ornaments on cushions they add that individual note to
your favourite things.
With the Prym Love design Tassel Maker you have the choice of three different sizes and so there
is something to suit every taste.
The accompanying instructions explain the individual steps one by one, so that nothing can go wrong.
Colour : turquoise