SA212 Elastic application Taping foot-brother 2104D_M343D_1034DX

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šifra: XB3632001

brother OVERLOCK SA212
Elastic application/Taping footstopica za ušivanje elastičnih i krutih traka na svim brother endlericama

Omogućuje pričvršćivanje i šivanje elastike ili trake u jednom jednostavnom koraku s vašim overlock strojem.

– Kanal na podnožju pričvršćuje elastičnu ili keper traku za tkaninu eliminirajući potrebu za iglama dok ste stvarali nazubljeni rub
– Skuplja pletivo jer je pričvršćena elastika
– Podesiva širina boda do 12 mm

Taping Foot-Allows you to attach and sew elastic or tape in one easy step with your overlock machine.
To attach tapes and elastic to stretch fabrics up to 12mm in width.

– Channel on foot secures elastic or twill tape to fabric eliminating the need for pins as you created a serged edge
– Gathers knits as elastic is attached
– Adjustable stitch width up to 12mm


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