šifra: 673117
alat za demontažu plastičnih Prym drukera
“COLOR SNAPS” 12,4mm i “COLOR SNAPS Mini” 9mm
Alati za uklanjanje Color Snaps i Color Snaps Mini press zatvarača
– set za VARIO kliješta sa četiri nastavka
Prošla su vremena kada je Color Snap press zatvarač morao biti uklonjen sa univerzalnim kliještima.
Odsada pa nadalje, sa svojim kompletom za uklanjanje Color Snaps, Prym nudi praktične alate za uklanjanje Color Snaps i Color Snaps Mini pomoću VARIO kliješta.
Komplet za uklanjanje sastoji se od metala i nastavka od tvrde gume za stranu poklopca press zatvarača i dva metalna nastavka, jedan za dio s klinovima i jedan za dio utičnice.
Na ovaj jednostavan način dvije polovice četverodijelnog prešanog zatvarača mogu se ukloniti jedan za drugim.
Removing kit Color Snaps
- Tools for removing Color Snaps and Color Snaps Mini press fasteners
- Set for VARIO pliers with four attachments
with its Color Snaps removing kit, Prym offers practical tools for removing Color Snaps and Color Snaps Mini using the VARIO pliers.
The removing kit comprises a metal and a hard rubber attachment for the cap side of the press fastener and two metal attachments, one for the stud part and one for the socket part.
In this simple way the two halves of the four-piece press fastener can be removed one after the other.
– prešani zatvarači raznih boja za bebinu i dječju odjeću
– jednostavna čvrstoća pričvršćivanja
– Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Klasa 1
– za rad s njima potrebna su kliješta Prym VARIO
i često se koriste za bebe i djecu odjeću zbog lakog zatvaranja.
Samostalne jakne, prsluci ili posteljina lako se uljepšavaju kopčama u boji.
Svako pakiranje sadrži tri različite, skladno spojene boje – sigurni smo da imamo savršena kombinacija boja za svaki ukus.
“Color Snaps” izrađene su od robusne plastike i mogu se prati na 60 stupnjeva.
Rad s “Color Snaps” moguć je samo sa Prym VARIO kliješta za nešivene proizvode i set alata “Color Snaps”.
Color snaps fasteners
- Colour assorted press fasteners for baby’s and children’s clothing
- Easy fastening strength
- Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Class 1
- The Prym VARIO pliers for non-sew products and the “Color Snap” tool are needed for working with them.
The “Color Snaps” have long since reached cult status, comply with the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 Class 1 and are often used for baby’s and children’s clothing due to their easy closing strength.
Self-made jackets, waistcoats or bed linen are easily embellished by the coloured press fasteners.
Each pack contains three different, harmoniously combined colours – we are sure that we have the perfect colour combination for every taste.
The “Color Snaps” are made of robust plastic and can be washed at 60 degrees.
Working with “Color Snaps” is only possible with the Prym VARIO pliers for non-sew products and “Color Snaps” tool set.