šifra: 610957
ŽUTA zamjenska kreda u prahu za
Prym ergonomic Stick_Mouse_Multi
– Uključujući igle za praćenje kotača i zaštitnu kapicu
– Krojačka kreda u obliku praha za četkanje i pranje
– Patrone za kredu dostupne u bijeloj i žutoj boji Kotačići za kredu “Miš” i “Stick” i kotačić za paralelno praćenje “Multi” iz serije prym.ergonomics može se ponovno napuniti ovim uloškom za kredu u trenu.
S patronom se ne puni samo krojačev prah krede bijeli ili žuti, ali i cijeli vrh uključujući kotačić od krede i čep se mijenjaju.
Na taj način su tri ergonomska Prym pomagala za označavanje uvijek u potpunosti funkcionalni i spremni za korištenje kada su potrebni na radnom mjestu dok šiva ili kroji.
Baš kao i kotači za kredu iz serije prym.ergonomics, punjenje je nagrađeno nagradom Red Dot Design Award 2010. godine.
The chalk wheels “Mouse” and “Stick” and the parallel tracing wheel “Multi”
– Replacement chalk cartridge for chalk wheel “Mouse”, “Stick” and parallel tracing wheel “Multi”
– Including tracing wheel needles and protective cap
– Dressmaker’s chalk in powder form for brushing and washing
– Chalk cartridges available in the colours white and yellow
From the prym.ergonomics series can be refilled with this chalk cartridge in a snap.
With the cartridge, not only the dressmaker’s chalk powder is replenished in white or yellow, but also the entire top including the chalk wheel and cap are replaced.
In this way, the three ergonomic Prym marker aids are always fully functional and ready for use when they are needed at the workplace
while sewing or dressmaking. Just as the prym.ergonomics series chalk wheels, the refill was awarded the Red Dot Design Award in 2010.