krojačka LUTKA S Prym MULTI 36-42cm sa izrezom za hlače

269,00  sa PDV

Dostupno za isporuku odmah

šifra: 610255


sa izrezom za hlače veličina “S”

Idealno za početnike i profesionalce u šivanju !

 veličina S” 36-42    boja lutke:  siva

podešavanje okretnim kotačićima u predjelu :

1. prsa : od 84-100 cm
2. struka : od 66-84 cm
3. bokova : od 91-109 cm 

“Prymadonna” Multi dressform u elegantnoj sivoj boji ima sve što biste očekivali od dressforma – osim toga, prikladan je i za krojeve hlača. Baza se može bočno umetnuti u kroj haljine – to osigurava visok stupanj stabilnosti i čini ga udobnim za montažu i rad na pojedinačnim nogavicama hlača. Njegov rotirajući torzo sastoji se od 8 dijelova, što omogućuje prilagođavanje kroja haljine na željene proporcije u grudima, struku i bokovima pomoću 12 podešavanja. Čak se i duljina torza može produžiti do 4 cm. Širina vrata se može podesiti pomoću ukrasnog, drvenog okretnog gumba – jastučić za igle također je integriran u području vrata. Rameni dio je razrađen, osiguravajući da rukavi uvijek pravilno padaju. Ovaj kroj haljine upotpunjuje oznaka za suknju ili hlače s fiksiranjem igle i stabilnim plastičnim postoljem. Jednostavan za sastavljanje; priručnik s uputama uključen je kao pomoć.
Dodatna mogučnost je izrez za hlače !

Ova LUTKA  namjenjena je: 

  • početnicima koji žele ovladati tehnikama krojačkog zanata 
  • iskusnim krojačima i dizajnerima koji žele imati podesivu lutku 
  • nastavnicima konfekcijske tehnologije
  • voditeljima tečajeva šivanja i krojenja
  • vlasnicima butika
The “Prymadonna” Multi dressform in elegant grey has everything you would expect from a dressform – in addition, it is also suitable for trouser shapes. The base can be laterally inserted into the dressform – this ensures a high degree of stability and makes it comfortable to mount and work on individual trouser legs. Its rotatable torso consists of 8 parts, allowing for the dressform to be adjusted to the desired proportions in the breast, waist, and hips using 12 adjustments. And even the torso length can be extended up to 4 cm. Neck width can be adjusted using a decorative, wooden rotary knob – a pincushion is also integrated in the neck area. The shoulder section is elaborated, ensuring that the sleeves always drop correctly. This dressform is completed by a skirt or trouser marker with pin fixing and a stable plastic pedestal. Easy to assemble; an instruction manual is included for assistance.
Dressform ‘Prymadonna’ S (clothing size D*: 36 – 42) rotatable 8-piece body with integrated pin cushion in the neck area, stable plastic stand and hem marker with basting attachment;
individually adjustable at the neck, bust, waist and hips by means of press-rotate dial on the front and rotatable wheel at the back and at the sides (in total 13 adjustments possible); full shoulders for a better hang to sleeves; easy to assemble rotatable 8-piece body with integrated pin cushion in the neck area, stable plastic stand and hem marker with basting attachment; individually adjustable at the neck, bust, waist and hips
by means of press-rotate dial on the front and rotatable wheel at the back and at the sides (in total 13 adjustments possible); full shoulders for a better hang to sleeves; easy to assemble


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