CENTIMETAR krojački_Prym COLOR PLUS 150cm_60inch sa gumbom

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šifra: 282120

CENTIMETAR krojački_Prym COLOR PLUS 150cm_60inch sa gumbom(drukerom) za zatvaranje

– skala s stupnjevanjem u boji
– žuta poleđina s skalom u centimetrima ili inčima
– metalni okviri na krajevima
– praktično zatvaranje pomoću kopče
– robusna profesionalna kvaliteta

Sa svojom trobojnom razdijeljenom ljestvicom, Prym COLOR PLUS metar pruža maksimalnu vidljivost tijekom šivanja, krojenja, rukotvorina i svih vrsta rukotvorina. Na crvenoj, bijeloj i zelenoj boji crna centimetarska oznaka se lako očitava i omogućuje precizno mjerenje. Žuta poleđina daje veću fleksibilnost, koja ima skalu u inčima ili centimetrima. Smotana, profesionalna traka dužine 1,50 m može se fiksirati pomoću praktične preše u rolu i zauzima vrlo malo prostora u košari za šivanje. Čvrsta plastika debljine 0,5 mm i metalni krajnji okviri jamče dug vijek trajanja metarske trake.

Tape measure Color Plus with button, cm- and/or inch scale

  • Colour graduated scale
  • Yellow back with scale in centimetres or inches
  • Metal frames at the ends
  • Practical closing with press fastener
  • Robust professional quality

With its three-coloured sectioned scale, the Prym COLOR PLUS tape measure provides maximum visibility while sewing, tailoring, doing handicrafts and all kinds of craft work. On the colours red, white and green, the black centimetre indication is easily read and enables the precise taking of measurements. The yellow back grants more flexibility, which has either a scale in inches or centimetres. Rolled up, the 1.50 m long professional tape can be fixed with a convenient press fastener into a roll and takes up very little space in the sewing basket. The 0.5 mm thick sturdy plastic and the metal end frames guarantee a long life of the tape measure.


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