BERNINA stopica br.12 Bulky Overlock Foot za perle_debele uzice i šljokice-za 5mm

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BERNINA stopica br.12 za 5mm
TRICOT FOOT – Bulky Overlock Foot

Bulky overlock foot #12

Za spajanje pletiva

– šivanje na debele uzice, nizove perli i šljokica
– za izradu i šivanje cjevovoda u jednoj radnji
– za strojeve od 5,5 mm i 9 mm

BERNINA Bulky overlock stopica #12 ima široki utor u potplatu, što je čini idealnom za šivanje glomaznih pletenih tkanina ili za pričvršćivanje kožnih traka.
Jedna strana potplata duža je od druge, što omogućuje glatko prolaženje čak i debele i neravne tkanine ispod nje.
Stopica također ima rupu za vođenje za šivanje preko užeta.

Nadalje, glomazna overlock stopica #12C također je popularna stopica za pričvršćivanje debelih uzica i šljokica, što vam omogućuje stvaranje stilskih ukrasa na odjeći, ručnim radovima i kućnom namještaju.

glomazna overlock stopa br. 12/12C.

Zbog posebno širokog utora na potplatu, glomazna overlock stopica prikladna je za šivanje glomaznog pletiva i drugih debelih tkanina.
Međutim, posebno je idealan za izradu i pričvršćivanje obruba i nizova perli na odjeću i kućnu dekoraciju.
Jedna strana potplata je dublja od druge, što omogućuje glatko uvlačenje neravnih slojeva tkanine, npr. kod porubljivanja pletiva.
Stopica br. 12 je prikladan za BERNINA strojeve sa 5,5 mm širine boda, stopa br. 12C za BERNINA strojeve sa širinom boda 9 mm.

TRICOT FOOT – Bulky Overlock Foot

Bulky overlock foot #12C

For joining knitted fabrics

  • Sewing on thick cords, strings of beads and sequins
  • For making and sewing in piping in a single operation
  • For 5.5 mm and 9 mm machines

The BERNINA Bulky overlock foot #12C has a wide groove in the sole, making it ideal for sewing bulky knitted fabrics or for attaching leather strips.
One side of the sole is longer than the other, allowing even thick and uneven fabrics to travel under it smoothly.
The presser foot also has a guide hole for sewing over piping cord.

Furthermore, the Bulky overlock foot #12C is also a popular presser foot for attaching thick cords and sequins, enabling you to create stylish embellishments on garments, needlework and home furnishings.

the Bulky overlock foot no. 12/12C.

Due to its especially wide groove on the sole the bulky overlock foot is suitable for sewing bulky knits and other thick fabrics.
However, it is especially ideal for making and attaching piping and couching strings of beads on garments and home dec projects.
One side of the sole is deeper than the other, allowing for smooth feeding of uneven fabric layers, e.g. when hemming knits.
Presser foot no. 12 is suitable for BERNINA machines with 5.5mm stitch width, foot no. 12C for BERNINA machines with 9mm stitch width.




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