šifra: 673133

Alat za plastične Color Snaps drukere od 9 i 12.4mm_za Prym VARIO CREATIV TOOL prešu

– za obradu Color Snaps preša (Ø 12,4 mm) i Color Snaps Mini (Ø 9 mm)
– set alata za obje veličine
– pribor za korištenje s Vario Creative Tool (390 903) i VARIO kliještima (390 000)
-za zvjezdice, srca ili okrugle dizajne
– lako spajanje alata zahvaljujući označavanju u boji fuksije

Kad god projekt šivanja treba šareni završni dodir, Prym Color Snaps stupaju na scenu. Prym nudi nešivajuće plastične kopče s zatvaranjem niske čvrstoće u mnogim bojama i oblicima. Ali kako se Color Snaps zalijepe za tkaninu bez igle i konca? Jednostavno umetnite alate iz seta alata Color Snaps u VARIO Creative Tool i spremni ste za početak pričvršćivanja zvjezdica, srca ili okruglih verzija Color Snaps. Alternativno, alati od tvrde gume, plastike i metala također se mogu koristiti zajedno s VARIO kliještima. Set nudi odgovarajuće alate za Color Snaps preše promjera 12,4 mm i za manje Color Snaps Mini promjera 9 mm. Detaljne upute objašnjavaju točno rukovanje. Oznake boje fuksije na alatima i na pakiranju seta alata olakšavaju razlikovanje ovih alata od ostalih Prymovih alata za kopče. Kartonsko pakiranje također je praktično rješenje za pohranjivanje – drži sve na svom mjestu i osigurava da su alati i preše brzo pri ruci za sljedeći projekt.

Tools set for Prym Color Snaps, 9 and 12.4 mm

  • For processing the Color Snaps press fasteners (Ø 12.4 mm) and Color Snaps Mini (Ø 9 mm)
  • Tool set for both sizes
  • Accessories for use with Vario Creative Tool (390 903) and VARIO pliers (390 000)
  • For stars, hearts or round designs
  • Easy matching of tools thanks to marking in fuchsia
Whenever a sewing project needs a colourful finishing touch, the Prym Color Snaps come into play. Prym offers the non-sew plastic press fasteners with low-strength closure in many colours and shapes. But how do the Color Snaps stick to the fabric without a needle and thread? Simply insert the tools from the Color Snaps tool set into the VARIO Creative Tool and you’re ready to start attaching stars, hearts or round versions of the Color Snaps. Alternatively, the hard rubber, plastic and metal tools can also be used together with the VARIO pliers. The set offers suitable tools both for the Color Snaps press fasteners with a diameter of 12.4 mm and for the smaller Color Snaps Mini with a diameter of 9 mm. Detailed instructions explain the exact handling. The colour marking in fuchsia on the tools and on the packaging of the tool set makes it easy to distinguish these tools from the other press fastener tools from Prym. The cardboard packaging is also a practical storage solution – keeping everything in its place and ensuring that tools and press fasteners are quickly to hand for the next project.

 VIDEO Alati za uklanjanje/demontažu “COLOR SNAPS” 12,4mm i “COLOR SNAPS Mini” 9mm drukera (šifra: 673140)


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